al. Wojciecha Korfantego 2 lok. 310
40-004 Katowice

Polski (PL) English (UK) Russian (Russia)


  • limited partnership agreements
  • articles of association of a limited liability company
  • articles of association of Limited liability companies Limited partnership agreements
  • statutes of partnerships limited by shares, joint-stock companies, European companies (SE)
  • minutes of the General Meetings of Shareholders
  • minutes from the meetings of the Board of Directors, the Supervisory Board or the Audit Committee of a commercial company
  • confirmation of the authenticity of signatures of members of bodies (specimens of signature)
  • confirmation of the signatures of agreements on the sale of shares in companies,
  • shareholders’ declarations on the acquisition of shares in companies
  • agreements on making in kind contributions to cover shares
  • agreements on the transfer of the ownership of real property or other rights in the execution of an obligation to make a non-monetary contribution to the company
  • conversion of sole proprietorships into capital companies, conversion of companies

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